\action{text} \action{text} - "text" becomes visible on the second slide of the frame only - difference between "visible" and "uncover" only if \setbeamercovered{transparent} command is used \action{text2} \action{text3} \action{text3} - the specified texts become visible from the second, third, fourth slide of the frame on the above is the usage of the following structure/command: \begin{actionenv} environment_contents \end{actionenv} This environment extracts all actions from the "action_specification" for the current mode. For each action of the form "action@slide_numbers", it inserts the following text: \begin{actionenv} at the beginning of the environment and the text \end{actionien} at the end. If there are several action specifications, several environments are opened (and closed in the appropriate order). short form: \action{text} - this has the same effect as putting text in an actionenv. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Example 1: \begin{frame} \begin{actionenv}<2-| alert@3-4,6> This text is shown the same way as the text below. \end{actionenv} \begin{uncoverenv}<2-> \begin{alertenv}<3-4,6> This text is shown the same way as the text above. \end{alertenv} \end{uncoverenv} \end{frame} Example 2: \action{Could also have used \alert<2>{}.}