------------------------------------------- \begin{alertenv} text \end{alertenv} short form: \alert{text} - text is red ------------------------------------------- \color[rgb]{0,0,1}{text} - text is blue - it can be linear combination of r(ed), g(reen), and b(lue) - the parameters are between 0 and 1 ------------------------------------------- \setbeamercolor{postit}{fg=black,bg=yellow} \begin{beamercolorbox}[center,colsep*=1pt]{postit} text \end{beamercolorbox} - black text in a yellow-filled box - the box is margine-to-margine wide - text is centered - the upper/lower border of the box is 1pt above/below the text \setbeamercolor{postit}{fg=white,bg=blue} \begin{beamercolorbox}[center,colsep*=4pt,rounded=true,shadow=true]{postit} text \end{beamercolorbox} - white text in a blue-filled box - the box is margine-to-margine wide - text is centered - the upper/lower border of the box is 4pts above/below the text - the box has rounded corners - the box has shadow ------------------------------------------- \usebeamercolor{beamer color}\colorbox{yellow}{\color{blue}text} - blue text in a yellow-filled box - the size of the box is determined by the size of the text