-------------------------------------------- \begin{enumerate} \item<2-> text \item<3-> text \item<4-> text \item<5-> text \end{enumerate} - the successive items get uncovered (and remain visible) on the slides 2 through 5 of the frame -------------------------------------------- \begin{itemize}[<+->] \item text \item text \item text \end{itemize} - items get uncovered (and remain visible) on successive slides 1 through 3 of the frame (essentially the same as above but the successive items appear on the successive slides) -------------------------------------------- \begin{itemize} \item <1-| alert@1> no SM Higgs \item <1-| alert@2> Higgs-like light fundamental particles (SUSY,...) \item <1-| alert@3> ESB triggered by a new strong sector (Technicolor,...) \end{itemize} - all items are visible from the first slide on - items are put in red on successive slides 1 through 3, one at a time -------------------------------------------- \begin{itemize}[<+->] \item<1-> text \begin{itemize} \item<1-> text \item<1-> text \item<1-> text \end{itemize} \item<2-> text \begin{itemize} \item<2-> text \end{itemize} \item<3-> text \begin{itemize} \item<3-> text \item<3-> text \end{itemize} \end{itemize} - items get uncovered (and remain visible) on successive slides 1 through 3 of the frame including all corresponding sublists - it might be not the most effective way of reaching this effect but it works