Publikačná činnosť - Časopisy

16 záznamov

Volkov, I., Ladygin, V., Skhomenko, Y., Gurchin, Y., Isupov, A., Janek, M., Karachuk, J., Khrenov, A., Kurilkin, P., Livanov, A., Piyadin, S., Reznikov, S., Terekhin, A., Tishevsky, A., Averyanov, A., Chernykh, E., Enache, D., Krivenkov, D., Vnukov, I.: Analyzing power of quasi-elastic proton-proton scattering at the beam energy of 550 MeV/nucleon, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, DE, 2024, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1547-4771, English

Bury, P., Veveričík, M., Černobila, F., Tomašovičová, N., Lacková, V., Kónyová, K., Šafařík, I., Petrenko, V., Tomchuk, O., Timko, M., Kopčanský, P.: The role of diamonds dispersed in ferronematic liquid crystals on structural properties, Crystals, CH, 2024, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2073-4352, English

Volkov, I., Ladygin, V., Skhomenko, Y., Gurchin, Y., Isupov, A., Janek, M., Karachuk, J., Khrenov, A., Kurilkin, P., Livanov, A., Piyadin, S., Reznikov, S., Terekhin, A., Tishevsky, A., Averyanov, A., Chernykh, E., Enache, D., Krivenkov, D., Vnukov, I.: Deuteron beam vector polarization measurement using proton–proton quasielastic scattering at the energies of 500 and 650 MeV/nucleon, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, DE, 2024, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1063-7788, English

Hockicko, P., Kúdelčík, J.: Videoanalýza vo vyučovaní fyziky, Československý časopis pro fyziku = Czechoslovak journal of physics, CZ, 2024, V3, , ISSN-0009-0700, Slovak

Hardoň, Š., Kúdelčík, J., Baran, A., Trnka, P., Michal, O., Tamus, A., Koltunowicz, T., Kozáková, A., Dérer, T., Hornak, J.: Fabrication and broadband dielectric study of properties of nanocomposites materials based on polyurethane, IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions, US, 2024, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2169-3536 (online), English

Kuchár, P., Pirník, R., Kafková, J., Tichý, T., Ďurišová, J., Skuba, M.: SCAN: surveillance camera array network for enhanced passenger detection, IEEE access : practical innovations, open solutions, US, 2024, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2169-3536 (online), English

Bury, P., Veveričík, M., Černobila, F., Tomašovičová, N., Timko, M., Kopčanský, P., Agresti, F., Barison, S.: Influence of goethite nanorods on structural changes and transitions in nematic liquid crystal E7, Crystals, CH, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2073-4352, English

Hornak, J., Černohous, J., Prosr, P., Rous, P., Trnka, P., Baran, A., Hardoň, Š.: A comprehensive study of polyurethane potting compounds doped with magnesium oxide nanoparticles, Polymers, CH, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2073-4360 (online), English

Martinček, I., Goraus, M., Káčik, D.: Optical measurement of the swelling behavior of PDMS in organic solvent vapors, Polymer Testing, NL, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-0142-9418, English

Bury, P., Veveričík, M., Černobila, F., Tomašovičová, N., Zakuťanská, K., Timko, M., Miakota, D., Kopčanský, P.: Surface acoustic wave investigation of magnetic nanoparticle size and concentration effect on liquid crystal behavior, The journal of the Acoustical Society of America, US, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-0001-4966, English

Mezhenska, O., Janek, M., Ladygin, V., Piyadin, S., Gurchin, Y., Isupov, A., Karachuk, J., Khrenov, A., Kurilkin, P., Livanov, A., Reznikov, S., Terekhin, A., Urbán, J.: Investigation of the dp-breakup reaction at intermediate energies at Nuclotron, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, US, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1063-7796, English

Terekhin, A., Volkov, I., Gurchin, Y., Isupov, A., Ladygin, V., Reznikov, S., Tishevsky, A., Khrenov, A., Janek, M.: Proton polarimeter at the internal target station of the Nuclotron at the joint institute for nuclear research, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, US, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1063-7796, English

Janek, M., Ladygin, V., Mezhenska, O., Averyanov, A., Chernykh, E., Enache, D., Gurchin, Y., Isupov, A., Karachuk, J., Khrenov, A., Krivenkov, D., Kurilkin, P., Ladygina, N., Livanov, A., Piyadin, S., Reznikov, S., Skhomenko, Y., Terekhin, A., Tishevsky, A., Uesaka, T., Urban, J., Volkov, I.: Short range correlations investigated by DSS collaboration in reactions involving deuterons, Physics of Particles and Nuclei, US, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-1063-7796, English

Bury, P., Veveričík, M., Černobila, F., Tomašovičová, N., Lacková, V., Zakuťanská, K., Timko, M., Kopčanský, P.: Study on the memory effect in Aerosil-filled nematic liquid crystal doped with magnetic nanoparticles, Nanomaterials, CH, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2079-4991 (online), English

Pruszyńska-Karbownik, E., Jandura, D., Dems, M., Zinkiewicz, Ł., Broda, A., Gębski, M., Muszalski, J., Pudiš, D., Suffczyński, J., Czyszanowski, T.: Concept of inverted refractive-index-contrast grating mirror and exemplary fabrication by 3D laser micro-printing, Nanophotonics, DE, 2023, V3, SCOPUS, ISSN-2192-8606, English

Miček, P., Belosludtsev, A., Gric, T., Pudiš, D., Gašo, P., Goraus, M.: Experimental investigation of a near-field focusing performance of the IP-Dip polymer based 2D and 3D Fresnel zone plate geometries fabricated using 3D laser lithography coated with hyperbolic dispersion surface layered metamaterial, Nanophotonics, DE, 2023, V3, WOS, SCOPUS, ISSN-2192-8606, English

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